

目前教学视频已经是各级学校不可或缺的教学手段,而洋铭的 “互联网 + 校园电视台”提供您各种不同形式的教学视频拍摄方式,无论是满足师生无限想像的虚拟课堂,或是接近传统课堂授课方式的微课教室,亦或是转播校园新闻或活动的移动多机位拍摄导播,搭配洋铭专为学校师生设计的简易操作理念,无论您对教学视频的需求为何,洋铭“互联网 + 校园电视台”都能让学校师生拥有无限满足的成就感。

Built-in H.264 recorder for SD cards

The HS-1600T Mark II comes with a built-in web-ready recorder. Simply insert your SD card, and you\'ll have video files that can be immediately uploaded to the video network of your choice or to your website.


The HS-1600T Mark II comes with a built-in web-ready recorder. Simply insert your SD card, and you\'ll have video files that can be immediately uploaded to the video network of your choice or to your website.

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The HS-1600T Mark II comes with a built-in web-ready recorder. Simply insert your SD card, and you\'ll have video files that can be immediately uploaded to the video network of your choice or to your website.